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In the hour of your greatest need, I will provide. In the darkness of your greatest trials, I will not leave you comfortless.  Set your face with determination to follow, no matter the cost. This troubled hour in which you find yourself is the testing ground for you to see where your true strength lies. Family and friends may forsake you, but I never will. Only hold tightly to Me, Beloved.

All your life I have been working on your behalf to bring you to this moment where you will know with a surety that as one of My very own, you have been called and continue to be equipped for the war in which you find yourself today. It is no small thing that you have chosen to stand in the heat of the battles you have endured thus far. In the fiery trials of the furnace of affliction, when the temperature is rising, and it seems that you have withstood all the heat you can bear – continue to stand.

The flames will burn brighter as the trials increase in intensity and the purifying work I do in you grows deeper. Beloved Warrior child of Mine, make no mistake: I will not leave you comfortless. I will not leave you without strength. I will cover you with the 'Refreshing' as I wash you with the water of My word. I will enfold you with the comfort of My love.

Remember when you cannot sense My Presence or hear My voice: I am still with you as you remain in Me. Do not let your senses cause you to believe or disbelieve. Choose to believe MY WORD and what I have said in scripture. Let those words be your evidence – your proof that I am with those who are with Me. Believe what I have said above everything else. Believe, for it is in the fiery furnace of affliction that you will always be the most greatly challenged to question My faithfulness and My integrity in every way. Even as the word remains in you – even as the fire burns brighter and hotter, so the purification process does its perfect work and so more gloriously does the Light of your Father Holy shine – stronger, more brilliant, more abundant in every way. Not only for you, My Beloved Warrior, but through you as a beacon of hope to those who walk alongside you and follow after you.

I have been sounding the warning voice of war across the lands. Many have heard the warnings and have diligently pursued My heart to draw closer and My instructions to know how I would have them prepare. There are those who tend to their place of prayer and those who tend to the assignments I have given them. All of these preparations are necessary for the days that await.

I want you to listen for My voice in every way I choose to speak. Do not try to pin Me down with a religious mindset and say that My ways of speaking are limited. I am limitless in power, wisdom, and might, and I will speak as I see fit. Only be careful that you remain close to Me so that you recognize My voice, no matter the way or the person through whom it may come. Deception is great, but I am greater! Come to Me, Beloved Warriors. Take your instructions from Me.

If you will die to self now, the battles will be easier to endure. This is true no matter the circumstance you face or will face in the future. It does not matter what any being – man, demon, beast or any other – may say, think or do. It only matters what your Father in Heaven, seated on the throne, The Sovereign Lord God, The Almighty says or wants. It only matters what He decrees. His is the Only Voice to Believe and Obey. So be sure to humble yourself to the dust, for it is dust that you are, and exalt the Name of the Most High & Holy. It is because of His Great Love and Endless Power that you have been created to be His vessel of praise on the earth and His child in His Kingdom. You are blessed to carry His very breath in your body, so seek Him daily for His will for the vessel that you are. In doing so, you will find great joy and peace, great strength and wisdom in the present hour and the days ahead.

Thick darkness has now covered the lands. Take your eyes off yourselves and fix them solely on your King. Choose to be established as you set your face, your heart, your mind, your strength, and your will on your King. Come out of the mirror of constant self-reflection and unjust actions of others. Know that your King sees it all. Know that there will be retribution when there is no repentance. Know that His favor is on those who seek and serve Him as He wants to be served. Know that obedience is better than sacrifice, so be quick to obey, so that you will move forward more quickly into that which He has for you. It is foolishness and immaturity to refuse obedience. It is a waste of time and relationship with your King to go your own way, only having to return later to offer the sacrifice of repentance. Immediate obedience has immediate rewards.

Be wise servants and discern the times and the hour in which you live. I tell you the truth: great battles such as you have never experienced are here now and even greater hidden battles are soon to be exposed and fought, so live in Me every hour of every day and seek Me with all your hearts. Remember: no matter what you see, hear, think, experience in any way that would try to deceive, disarm, rob, kill, destroy or seduce you in any way to enter into unbelief or to cause you to fear – remember that I AM WITH YOU and will remain to help you as you choose to remain in Me and endure to the end of your life on the earth. I will help you stand. I will help you, for you are Mine and I am and have all the provision you need.

My faithfulness to your success in Me is great. Let the same be said of your faithfulness to your King.

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And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:

And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids
in those days will I pour out my spirit.

And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood,
and fire, and pillars of smoke.

The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood,
before the great and terrible day of the Lord come.

And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call
on the name of the Lord shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the Lord hath said,

and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call.  Joel 2:28-32

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